Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Life of a Board Game

Welcome to a little project I am giving a go at... If you found this, then your time is more then likely less then precious, but I will be short and to the point anyway...

I have long thought about building a board game but never had the facilities to do such a thing. I suspect that is a main reason that I also lacked the drive as well. The reason I suspect that is because as soon as I discovered the amazing site known as The Game Crafter, I have been going full tilt on one of my many ideas. It has permeated my every thought for the last 2 days (and nights... did I mention that I was an insomniac?). A big part of that has to do with the myriad of options that The Game Crafter offers. But more on TGC another time...

This post is to introduce you to a side idea that I had while building my idea (did I also forget to mention that I have crippling ADD as well?). While reading through Board Game Geek & The Game Crafter forums, it dawned on me that some people might like to know some things that happen along the way in the life of a board game. Thus, this blog was born to the earth.

With little to go on other then that not very well thought out idea, why dont we just see where this experiment takes us both, shall we?

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